September 26, 2023
Meet Kendall. She's an ornithologist. Birds are her life. While you were binge watching Below Deck Down Under she was comparing the migratory patterns of the artic tern to the western meadowlark. While she incubated some rescued eggs from an abandoned brown thrasher's nest, you were Googling 'do birds have sex'. It's not that she's cooler than you for it - her dinner conversation usually revolves around mating rituals of the ring-necked pheasant, or the injustice of the potential changes to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act - it's just that you can't help but admire Kendall's dedication to her craft. She's usually in safari clothes and comfortable shoes. She loves a knit cap and her fingernails are always dirty. But she's saving those damn birds, one migration at a time.
August 26, 2024
August 26, 2024
August 26, 2024