September 19, 2023
Meet Delilah. She's got to take her kid to sleepaway camp this weekend. The following week she's taking them to see their grandparents - wait, is it Monday or Tuesday they leave? Oh well she'll check her calendar later. She does know her daughter has an art day camp that week. But it feels like they're supposed to head to the lake really soon. Has Delilah double-booked?? She definitely did the first week of summer and they missed VBS. She'll check her calendar. She does know that her son has a sleepaway baseball camp in three weeks. Maybe that's when she and her daughter go to the lake... But when is her son's local sports camp that she signed him up for back in January? Probably that week between his baseball camp and his sleepaway camp the last week in July. Wait, are there even that many weeks in July? When is school starting?? WILL THEY HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO FINISH THEIR SUMMER READING??? WHAT ABOUT MATH?? When is the last time they ate a vegetable? Has Delilah gotten them to bed before 11pm at all for the last three weeks? Summer can be overwhelming...
December 16, 2024
December 16, 2024
December 16, 2024