This is the new Amy. This Amy would never have a gross refrigerator. She's not that kind of person. She's clean, organized and fresh. She feels sorry for the people with dirty fridge shelves and expired chicken stock boxes. She can't imagine having a 2 year old jar of pepperoncini peppers with mold on the inside of the lid. That's no way to live and Amy is glad she's the right kind of person. Yesterday Amy had two bags of clothes designated for Goodwill in her dining room corner. They'd been there for 2.5 months, eventually becoming invisible.
She slithers her way in and out of friend groups, wreaking havoc anywhere she can. She told you last week how much she admires you for not caring what you look like – she “just doesn’t feel right about leaving the house“ if she’s not completely put together.
Although, he wanted sophistication so she familiarized herself with cashmere, Chanel and less talking. She got her teeth straightened. She lost 15 pounds. She began to get facials and emulate the women she met at parties and dinners out. Within two years Hilary had become an enormous influencer, who shamelessly flaunted her Bentley, her castle-replica country home, her new baby (way to go, Alexander), and the clothing line that Alexander financed for her. Every time he comes home with jewelry, or a new car, or takes her on a shopping spree, she is reminded of the true love she feels for him.
On the walk from her car to her office building she could see a group of construction workers eyeing her as she passed. She got a raise. Her boss paid for her lunch. She found a $100 bill on the ground next to her car. Her husband offered to make dinner.
Tabitha! Play us something on the banjo!" Oh, Tabitha would demure. She would play bashful, vehemently shake her head that this is not the time and place, but of course everybody in the room would insist and begin playfully chanting her name. She would reluctantly break out her banjo and begin to pick the strings deftly.
Birds are her life. While you were binge watching Below Deck Down Under she was comparing the migratory patterns of the artic tern to the western meadowlark.
Has Delilah double-booked?? She definitely did the first week of summer and they missed VBS. She'll check her calendar. She does know that her son has a sleepaway baseball camp in three weeks. Maybe that's when she and her daughter go to the lake...
He was so different from her - wild, undisciplined, hedonistic in every way. It was like they were from two different worlds but she was so fascinated by him and his lifestyle that she found herself dating him before long. Florence found that Ariel wasn't returning her calls, and was never available.
She filed for divorce and embarked on the rest of her journey on her own. Freed from her abuser's oppression, Tina achieved what has been described as "one of the greatest comebacks in music history."
Meet Lara. She began her personal style journey a bit questionably– flannel, Doc Martens, dark eye makeup, perhaps in an attempt to find her very own Sk8r Boi
Meet Elizabeth. She has a giant Goldendoodle, Charles, whose exuberance for life can be endearing for some, but downright dangerous for others. Upon greeting newcomers to her home, Charles immediately jumps up to lick their faces - sometimes springing up into the air and crashing into their nose.